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стартер 8ки будет состоять из хаев и скавенов, в связи с чем появится новый пластик:
новые эльфиские копейщики и сильверы
для скавенов вепон тим в разных вариантах сборки
и конечно тематичный террайн

новые наборы/армибуки 2010 года:
огры и новый пластиковый ринокс
томбы и новые миньки
новый армибук орков
новый пластик:
орк бойзы
дарк райдеры
лыцари внутреннего круга
блэк найты - неужто дождались worthy.gif worthy.gif worthy.gif
джунглевый сварм (?)
сквиг херд
дикие орки

Другие слухи смотреть тут http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248697
Цитата(Gravestone @ 5.4.2010, 18:55) *

дарк райдеры

хаи и скавены??????????????????? newconfus.gif newconfus.gif newconfus.gif
А гарпий так и не будет Т.Т
по поводу стартера более вероятным выглядит слух про империю и орков.
Kenji-no Sorata
джунглевый сварм (?)

при таких херовых статах на лизардскую сварму, они надеятся, что её в пластике будут покупать?
можно каждый месяц, новые слухи вешать...
*задумчиво* блэкнайты... ммм...
der Ungeheuer
Цитата(Dracula @ 5.4.2010, 21:49) *

А гарпий так и не будет Т.Т

забудь ваще да
лыцари внутренного цикла и дарк райдеры тема
Цитата(der Ungeheuer @ 6.4.2010, 1:13) *

забудь ваще да

Фигасе забудь! 0.0
Нормальных гарпий ваапче нет sad.gif У ГВ и ГЗ страшненькие, как фиг знает что. У Рипера симпотишныи, но их всего 2, и они как-то уж больно добро выглядят, не по-дарковски.

А вменяемые блэки давно уже есть, кстати!
на самом деле не надо заморачиваться - надо ждать... хотя бы более достоверной информации.
Цитата(Dracula @ 6.4.2010, 14:36) *

А вменяемые блэки давно уже есть, кстати!

Где их можно приобрести?
Фирма Mantic Games и их серия Kings of War.

Пока в пре-одере.

Набор за 35 фунтов включает в себя:
10 x Limited Edition Revenant Knight Figures, including Champion, Musician and Standard Bearer
10 x Horses
10 x Cavalry bases (25mm x 50mm)
2 x Mantic Cases with protective foam
Undead Sticker Sheet, Mantic Points and Poster Guide

Ну и в других инет магазах поищи. Я на FRP Games раздел этой фирмы видел =)

ЗЫ: этот набор в металле. Позже появится такой же, но в пластике.

хотя пометка "уточните наличие" вселяет определённое сомнение...
На мантике вроде написано, что набор в ограниченном количестве и не вошел в различные стартерные наборыгдемногоразныхминекпочтидаром от мантика. Но все таки есть надежда, что они появятся в продаже в том числе и на майлстроме, по крайнемере там уже есть разные гули, скелеты, скоро будут равенанты (типа гвардии) и пр. Будем ждать, поскольку мини достойные и набор в 10 штук вполне себе!
Цитата(Legion @ 6.4.2010, 18:47) *

набор в ограниченном количестве

Как бы "Limited" в названии намекает wink.gif
И на том же мантике написано, что этот набор для тех, кому не терпится. А чуть позже будет пластик. Учитывая их ценовую политику, можно предположить, что коробка в 10 рыл будет стоить как ГВшная в 5 рыл. =)
ГаВёшники уроды сцуко мля! sad.gif Блэков надо было еще в 6й редакции переиздать, кому нужны новые шкели и новые гарды, и старые были хорошие (это про гардов), но реально нужный юнит, только времен 4-5й редакций.
Цитата(Dracula @ 6.4.2010, 15:40) *

Фирма Mantic Games и их серия Kings of War.

Пока в пре-одере.

Набор за 35 фунтов включает в себя:
10 x Limited Edition Revenant Knight Figures, including Champion, Musician and Standard Bearer
10 x Horses
10 x Cavalry bases (25mm x 50mm)
2 x Mantic Cases with protective foam
Undead Sticker Sheet, Mantic Points and Poster Guide

Ну и в других инет магазах поищи. Я на FRP Games раздел этой фирмы видел =)
ЗЫ: этот набор в металле. Позже появится такой же, но в пластике.

Цена только смущает, 35 фунтов за 10 кавалерийских металлических(!!!) моделей - даром практически. smile.gif
ХХмм...а то что мантисовские эльфяки под ваховских ну ни в коем образе не подходят вас не смущает7
Цитата(Smog @ 8.4.2010, 18:48) *

Цена только смущает, 35 фунтов за 10 кавалерийских металлических(!!!) моделей - даром практически. smile.gif

У них ваапче очень дешевая продукция. В разы, чем в у ГВ. Дождешься пластика, получишь 10 минек за 15-20 фунтов =)

Висп, ч0 те не нра? =) На край, нож и зеленка в зубы =)
Цитата(Whisper @ 8.4.2010, 19:04) *

ХХмм...а то что мантисовские эльфяки под ваховских ну ни в коем образе не подходят вас не смущает7

Местами согласен, видел эльфов так сказать внатуре - больно худы - отощали наверно. Но что касается шкелей - очень даже себе ничего, а если учесть еще и цену - так вообще почти подарок. А какая коробочка прикольная идет когда заказываешь 20 штук - прям загляденье ;о) Пока ничего не могу сказать про равенантов - это я так понимаю аналог гвардов! По картинке трудно судить.
Цитата(Whisper @ 8.4.2010, 20:04) *

ХХмм...а то что мантисовские эльфяки под ваховских ну ни в коем образе не подходят вас не смущает7

Эльфы мантиковские ужасающие, держал из в руках, звездовские лучше, имхо, не говоря про ГВ-шных. А вот блэк найты даже на картинке весьма хороши, а размер - будем надеяться, что более-менее подходящий. В крайнем случае, можно визуально их увеличивать наплечниками, плащами, камнями под копыта етс.
Похоже, Гарри получил добро от ГВ на постепенный слив слухов.
Итак, он подтвердил, что второй ряд пехоты (похоже, всей, включая большую пехоту) будет как-то участвовать в комбате. Также сказал, что будет правило, усиливающее крупные отряды пехоты. Как пример, он сказал, что построение минотавров по 3 в 2 ряда из книги бистов имеет смысл (вспоминаем слух о том, что количество моделей в ряду для большой пехоты будет уменьшено).
Подтвердил процентное ограничение (минимум 25% коров, максимум по 25% персонажей, спешиалов и раров), но сказал, что это могло поменяться.
Также сказал, что армор в 8-ке будет играть бОльшую роль, т.к. "станет меньше других модификаторов".
Авиан сказал, что сценарии на последних ГТ похожи на то, что будет в книге. Опроверг слухи о киллпоинтах.

OK, so things have been fairly quiet on the Fantasy front for a while, but the internet never sleeps. Here is a fine medley of some of the latest tidbits from the mill. From updated phase order, to the new boxed set, to rank bonus and everything in between:

General boxed set info via Jambodini:
I was at Warhammer World on Monday and was chatting to a member of staff there. He revealed a few things about the Fantasy update:

1) Fantasy 8th edition is out in summer.
2) The box set - The Gates of Calith - is High Elves and Skaven
3) The Elves get new spearmen and a plastic lord on Griffon
4) The Skaven get a Screaming bell ( )
5) Forge World are definetly doing a Chaos Dwarf rules set and models.
6) The Chaos Dwarfs are estimated to be out in 18 months, but the staff member suspects it might be about 3 years!

A new rank bonus system by everybody's favorite Reecius:
I was told at Adepticon by a very reliable source that in 8th ed Fantasy, Rank and File units will be able to go 10 wide, that combat will be fought to completion in one turn and that infantry will fight 2 deep, 3 with spears.

I hope this is true as it will make the game look cooler, and combat will be so much more effective. As it is, there is so much variability as 5 wide one rank deep, you throw so few dice. With 2 to 3 ranks and 10 wide, you start throwing dice like 40K which brings you closer to average and makes the game go back to blocks of infantry and away from the skirmish style game it is now. ~this was clarified to mean that 10 wide is needed to claim a rank bonus!!!

An alternative view of the new ranking system by Reds8n:
With regards to the ranks... well... what I heard was something that ran along the lines of a unit of infantry could attack with a number of ranks equal to half their frontage (rounding down), with certain beasts etc ( I assume things like ogres etc etc) counting as X number of normal infantry ( I want to say Unit Strength here but a lot of my fantasy knowwats aint all that). THusly a 10 wide block could attack with 5 ranks, an 8 wide block ( which I believe we see a few of in the Skaven book) could attack with 4 and a unit of 6 monsters.. like those 2 by 3 units of Minotaurs we've seen of late, could attack with both ranks. This could/would then be affected further by things like spears, other weapons, err... other things that matter in fantasy.

The way the rank thing works in the new ed. is as follows:

-currently if models are slain in the front rank before they have a chance to fight they are removed as casualties and do not contribute attacks back. For example a unit of 10 Dark Elf Black Guard charge a unit of 20 Empire Halberdiers and unsurprisingly slay 5. Since this slays the entire front rank the Empire player gets no attacks back, except for a unit champion if no attacks were directed against him.


-models in the second rank have enough time to pull their comrades out of the way and step forward to strike. THIS MEANS THAT EVEN THOUGH THE EMPIRE UNIT LOST 5 MODELS THEY STILL GET TO STRIKE BACK WITH 5 MODELS! That second rank DOESN'T get attacks back UNLESS their comrades in front of them fall.

This rule is in there to prevent the first round of combat decimation that happens all too frequently in the current edition. We've all seen it. A big 'Deathstar' unit (Blood Dragons, Black Guard, FleshHounds, etc.) charges in, slays the whole front rank before it gets to strike back and steamrollers the unit thanks to one-sided combat res.

NOW they will at least face some retaliatory strikes thus mitigating their power and not giving such a huge advantage to the charging, high init./low save, always-strike-first unit and restoring balance to the basic rank and file and great weapon units/high strength.

You need at least two ranks (i.e. 10 models) to get this bonus so THAT is where this misunderstanding of 10 model ranks nonsense is originating.

Other rumors skuttling around include:
-Moving the magic phase to the start of the turn, before movement.
-Possibility of a plastic Hellpit Abomination this year.
-Tomb Kings are still going strong in the development channel, and are coming sooner than later.

огров жалко
чет меня бонус за ряды начиная с 10 моделей смутил.
10 моделей - два ряда по пять, а не один в 10...
Слухи, слухи, слухи!!! Но! Вродь как очень достоверные!

Состав стартера:

20 skaven clanrats with shield and spear, full command
20 skaven clanrats with Shield and spear, full command
20 skaven slaves with slings
10 Giant rats with Handler
1 Rat Ogre
with Handler
One bone breaker Rat Ogre
Warpfire thrower *2
Warlock Engineer

8 Swordmasters full command
12 seaguard full command
12 seaguard full command
5 Ellyrian Reavers
Special character hero on Griffin (new profile to be added to high elf list)
Mage on Foot

Warpstone pile!!! its a objective marker

А так же возможные летние релизы:
- кабанница (ну, эта не возможная, а сто пудовая, ибо уже в пре-одере)
- новые пластиковые имперские рыцари. Это будет внутренний круг, так что старых лыцарей с продажи не снимут
- пластиковые вампирячьи Black Knights
- пластиковые дарковские Dark Riders
- плюс возможно колесница тёмных эльфов, сикеры для демонов, демон-принц
- из армибуков слышно только про томбов. Выход, скорее всего, в конце года. А огров тормознули.
120 моделей... немало прям таки скажем...
Так и в нынешнем больше сотни =)
120 это процентов на 15-20 больше чем сейчас
Сейчас 108, будет 120. Откуда 15-20% взялись?
ты знаешь точное число минек в новом стартере? ты мегакрут чувак...
А ты знаешь? Не менее крут!!! =)))
я предпологаю

на самом деле логично будет увидеть увеличения числа минек в стартере. Крысы подешевше гоплинов

З.Ы. Никто не считал игровую очковую стоимость в стартерах?
Обложка восьмерки

так конечно всё ничего, стильненько, но как-то имхо переборщили они с креативом молотка и кометы...
"Центральная, 5 секунд, взлёт нормальный!"
ага... какое-то нетрадиционное изображение кометы... может они еретики? smile.gif
струи тут явно лишние)
The Warhammer world is a place riven by relentless warfare and the corrupting power of dark magic. It’s a place where vile creatures and titanic monsters roam the lands, where vast armies of evil warriors unleash slaughter upon their victims and only the unceasing valour of the forces of Order prevent the whole world slipping away into chaos and death.

Amidst this tapestry of conflict and carnage are races fair and foul, warriors chivalrous and brutal. These are the combatants who fight for dominance of the world. From the blasted north come warmongering tribes of Chaos Warriors, armour-clad barbarians who have thrown their lot in with the Dark Gods of Chaos. In the Badlands gather the greenskinned marauders known as the Orcs and Goblins, vicious, brutal creatures whose insatiable lust for war grows almost as quickly as their vast numbers. Beneath the cities of the civilised realms nestle the repulsive ratmen, subhuman creatures whose machinations spread disease and distrust – these are the Skaven and they wish only to destroy and dominate all others. Even the forests of the Old World are not safe, for the trees themselves are things of malign presence and the Beastmen dwell within, the children of Chaos – braying beasts who crave slaughter and the chance to enact their savagery on the civilised races.

The Warhammer world is a place where you must bury your dead deeply, for Necromancers and Vampires raise the legions of undeath in their war against the living. Far away in the south the legendary kings of a long-dead kingdom now awaken, leaving their vast tomb cities to wage war upon all under the sun, their skeletal legions a chilling parody of their once glittering majesty.

All these examples of horror are enough to cause weaker hearts to quail, but there are those who resist the darkness, kingdoms and realms that fight for survival. The Empire, greatest of all the nations of Men musters regiments of brave soldiers. Armed with faith in Sigmar, their warrior god, and with tempered steel and black powder weapons they defend their lands. South and east of the Empire lies Bretonnia, a land of chivalry and noble tradition. There, bold knights harken the call of their mighty king and ride out to crusade against the monsters of the Old World. Dwarfs, in their mountain strongholds, are as unyielding as the stone around them as they battle above and below the ground. Loyal allies, but terrible enemies, the Dwarfs are brave-hearted and steadfast as they protect their once-great realm.

In far-off lands the Elves fight out their bitter blood feud against one another – a mighty civilisation that spanned the continents but is now riven with strife and betrayal. Perhaps the greatest warriors in all the world, their numbers are now few and too many of those that remain are lost each day in the unending war between Ulthuan and Naggaroth.

This is a world where victory and death rest upon a knife-edge and the fate of the world, be it damnation or salvation, will soon be decided.

Warhammer, the Game of Fantasy Battles will be released in July. The preparation for this date has been a time of great excitement here in the Studio as we have lavished detail, care and attention onto the rulebook and the fantastic Citadel miniatures range that it accompanies.

Now is the time to gather your regiments, paint your armies and prepare for a battle like never before. If you have a Warhammer army, dust it off and finish up those last few models. If you’ve always been tempted to collect a force there really has never been a better time to start! Warhammer is coming and it’s going to be great.
Ещё чутка слухов(могут быть фейком):
- Стрелять смогут 2 первых ряда - ура построениям стрелков 2*5. =)
- рубимся терь только по ине, даже на чардже (исключение: ASF, GW и, быть может, если у атакующих лансы). Чарджующим дадут другой бонус. Наверно...
Цитата(Dracula @ 19.4.2010, 14:52) *

- рубимся терь только по ине, даже на чардже

Привет из 40го тысячелетия))
Цитата(Dracula @ 19.4.2010, 13:52) *

Ещё чутка слухов(могут быть фейком):
- Стрелять смогут 2 первых ряда - ура построениям стрелков 2*5. =)

это было бы хорошо... у меня лучники так собраны чтобы легко ставились 2*5
Kenji-no Sorata
Цитата(Dracula @ 19.4.2010, 14:52) *

- рубимся терь только по ине, даже на чардже (исключение: ASF, GW и, быть может, если у атакующих лансы). Чарджующим дадут другой бонус. Наверно...

Лизарды всосали с хлюпаньем.
плять... уже чувствую, что осмысливать новую редакцию буду до выхода следующей...
Демо-ролег восьмерки от ГВ.
Малоинформативно (точнее, ваапче неинформативно), но, блин, красяво!!!

Компиляция слухов (некоторые противоречат друг другу, гыгы)

->Army construction is moving back to percentages.
->Strength in Depth/ Stepping up
->Crush attack for larger creatures
->40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks.
->Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook
->All non-english rulebooks are moving to inches.
->Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice.
->Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers)

Warhammer 8th Ed Rulebook to be released July 10th

Other rumours (and description of above)

These are all listed in no particular order.


->Army construction is moving back to percentages.
There have been not been strong rumours yet to support any specific % for all categories, however, 25% min core, 25% max special and 25% max rare seem to be undisputed.
->Slot system may or may not be dropped
->Categories for core/special/rare are remaining.
There have been no rumours yet of a system wide errata to specify which things are limited as a result.


NOTE: The magic rumours nobody seems to agree on, so rather than try and find what exactly the truth is I will just put here most of the theories

->Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice. - Avian
->Giving irresistible force a downside
->If a wizard fails to cast (not counting dispels) twice in a row he miscasts
->Making miscasts harder to have but much more devastating.
->Dispel scroll only adding dispel dice (+2 dice to the dispel dice pool once per game). (edit - possibly speculation)
->Something rumoured is carrying over power dice, but holding too many could lead to a ‘magic backlash’.
->All the book Lores will have more supportive spells than they have now, and will all be getting a major overhaul. Each lore to get a mega spell.
->Dispel attempts to be made by specific wizards (presumable your casting level is beneficial for dispelling spells)
->A higher chance of miscast with multiple casters.
->If a wizard fail to cast a spell he can't cast other spells in the same phase.


NOTE: Trying to nail down what the truth is here is very hard. Once it is explained properly by someone who knows categorically what it is I will update this

Some of this is only my understanding of what has been discussed.


There are basically 2 big new rules here; what I have named 'Stepping up', and a 'Horde' rule. - Harry.

What is 100% clear is that models in the second rank will have some role to play in most combats.

->Stepping up. – Harry/ Avian

Basically how this works is that the second rank get to fight only if the guy in front is killed. But they only get a single attack regardless of what their profile attacks are, or what weapons they are carrying* . It is not clear yet whether they get to use special rules in addition to this or not at all (frenzy, hatred and killing blow etc). Only once there are insufficient models left to replace those that are killed in the attacking rank will the overall attacks of the unit drop.

*It has yet to be clarified exactly how models with spears get to use them.

No word on the impact for High Elves.

Cavalry still only fight in 1 rank.


You have a unit of 20 guys, 5x4, 5 of which are in base contact with the enemy and 15 are not. The enemy strikes first and kills 6 of your guys. As you now have 14 models you have sufficient numbers to step up and replace casualties.

Because the front 2 ranks consists of 10 models overall, 6 of which are now dead, you still get to fight back with 4 models. In the next round of combat, the ranks are reset, so 5 models are in base contact, 5 in the second rank (capable of ‘stepping up’) and 4 in the third (remember, you still have 14 models). This time the enemy kills a further 8 models, leaving you with 2 models that get to fight back and a unit of 6.

This is the same regardless of which side they are attacked on.
Fight in 3 ranks if 10+ wide (4 with spears). - Avian.
Some benefit to fighting in large units, may automatically become stubborn beyond a certain unit size. – Harry

->One Save to ruin them all!
Models will only ever get one save (be it ward, mundane or magical armour). No word yet on whether regeneration is included. From Alessio himself!
->40mm models
40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks. Ogre sized models are officially being put into their own size category (finally).
->Crush them!
Additional stomp/crush attacks for big infantry (ogres, trolls, etc) to represent them trampling lesser races underfoot. Bigger bonus for large creatures like giants. These are not impact hits.
->Fewer armour save modifiers
S7 autokill is gone. (edit: possible speculation)


->Measure the distance for the furthest moving model, and perform whatever manoeuvres you wish within that lax limitation. Command models will have some role to play in giving free manoeuvre as you move (Musician bonus similar to Ancient Battles?).
An added 'bonus' of getting an 'extra' +D6 or +D3 inches of movement to your move range (presumably the D6 or D3 decided by the category of warrior; infantry/cavalry/ogre sized).
->Heavy cavalry no longer able to march
- Heavy cavalry, defined as any cavalry with a 2+ or better save, cannot march. They can double their move when charging as normal, but they are not allowed to make a March move.
- "Medium and Fast cavalry remain the same".


->As it happens to be the same rumour; fewer armour save modifiers.
->Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers). - Harry


->Fear and Terror
When in combat, units or monsters with these rules gain 1 or 2 or 3 points of Static Combat modifier. This is added to the number of wounds caused by the Fear/Terror model/unit, as well as ranks, banners, etc. These bonuses may be cumulative between fear/terror causing things attacking a unit.
->Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.


->Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook (no kill points). See GW grand tournament and doubles scenarios.
->15 or so missions in the new rulebook. 9 or 10 of the missions required Core units to capture objectives. Units must have banners to capture objectives. Several missions had multiple objectives
->Victory Conditions
Interestingly something I picked up from a post was that ‘victory conditions’ have been referred to in the last 3 books, not victory points.
Difficult terrain may be merged with very difficult and encompass more things (presumably more than just affecting movement).

Discredited rumours
Lapping around
Weapons using the flame template or large or small blast templates automatically hit any model in contact rather than cause partial hits.
рушат все стереотипы - молодцы

по большому счету 7-ку нельзя было назвать новой редакции - скорее апгрейд старой. А здесь чуствуется объективно изменение механики игры...

Хорошо ли это? хз....
Много-много слухов!

Первая мысль - капец! Вторая - капец! Третья - ну вот, можно выучить одну книгу правил и пару тонкостей, и можно играть как в ФБ, так и в 40к

Utterly confirmed by GW Spain to E-minis (spanish biggest online miniature shop)

- Measurement in inches (only for Spain)
- Unit strength concept is gone.
- Fighting by initiative, like W40k.
- Magic is going to be much more powerful, but can ”kill” the wizards. The miscasting table is completely changed.
- The rulebook (550 pages) has a lot of background about the old World and the new lands, new background.
- Shooting units on bended knee can fire with 2 rows.
- No limits in points to each unit class: Characters, Core, Special, Rare. You only have to keep the percentage for each class, i don’t know the exact amount yet.
- GW tournaments will be with armies of 3000 pts, I’m 99% sure of this.
- Fighting in close combat with 2 or more rows for all units. No details.
- Changes in some weapons descriptions, like pikes…
- The concept of the combat row wil change pretty much. I’ll detail this in few time.
- Terrain! A lot of class of games (like the missions of 40k), more important ”golf courses” gone, because the table must have 1D6+2 (or perhaps +4, i can’t remember). The terrain elements will have differents effects inside and around them.

From an independient shop forum Cuartel general de avilйs. These rumours comes from a GW manager who told them to an independient shop owner. (This guy is different from the one in the other post)

1.- Re-printing of ALL the Warhammer army books throughout a year. (only in Spain)
2.- The most powerful magic ever (with great changes)
3.- Mandatory in all the games: 1D6 + 4 terrain elements
4.- Games of 3000 pts.
5.- CC Fight in 2 rows (it seems all the units)
6.- Infantry with Spears: CC with 3 rows
7.- High Elves spearmen: CC with 5 rows (!!!)
8.- Close combat is resolved in initiative order
9.- Reduced psychology (no more details)
10.- Army list based in percentages. This will entail some armies to take 4 or more heros, whilst they don’t exceed the point percentage.
11.- All the measurement in inches (interest only Spain)
12.- Revamp of armies like Ogre Kingdoms
13.- Terrain subject: The gameboard will be plenty of terrain elements. Those elements will not affect so much the movement but will affect fleeing units, like in the War of the Ring game.
14.- Different class of missions.

From the same forum, an email from GW to the spaniards indy shops (is much longer, but i have only translated the info-things ):

Rules-wise, it can be summarize in one sentence: ”More units, more magic, more characters, with this new edition the Warhammer battles will grow up, and it becomes much much bigger.

The new rulebook will not cancel any book or expansion.

The battle for the Skull pass will be withdrawn from shops soon, so buy it while you can.

More details, this time from the owner of E-minis (reliable source, he has the biggest online fantasy miniature shop in Spain as far as i know):

Charges will have a random value added:

Infantry: Will charge their movement + 1D6 inches
Cavalry: Will charge their movement + 2D6 inches

This does not apply to the flying units.

The D6 could be not exactly like that, but otherwise is confirmed 99%.

Another detail: We cannot tell you the new army to be released, only thing i can say is that it will be released in some moment between August and October.
Kenji-no Sorata
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